Contacting Me / Asking Your Ant Questions

Hi all.

Just a quick note to inform you all that I have had to change my hosting services provider due to my previous one going out of business. The new one I have just transferred to (Hostinger) seems to be extremely good, so all should go well.

However, there may be a few teething issues , including with the contacting of me.

Therefore if you wish to contact me you can either replying to this thread or email me on my**@an*****.uk

I will try to reply ASAP (usually within 24 hours). However, please be aware that I am rather busy these days so do excuse me if it takes a little longer for me to reply.

When contacting me with a question it is best to provide as much information as possible.

If you ask the question here you can ask anonymously without giving a name or email, and I will reply here. Any email you do provide in this thread should be automatically hidden by the website.

Oh, and please; do not ask me how to destroy ants or their nests as you will not receive a reply. I am in the business of educating people about how fascinating the creatures are and how to keep them as pets. I am not Rentokill!

Thank you.

2 thoughts on “Contacting Me / Asking Your Ant Questions”

  1. Hi there

    We have bought an ant farm online and plan to give it to our son in a weeks time, but are concerned if the ants can stay wrapped up for that amount of time. Currently they are in a very small little box about the size of a regular dice. Do we need to get them out ASAP? Are they suffering in any way? or can we wait for our son’s birthday.

    Many thanks in advance


    1. Hello John

      Thank you for your question.

      I was very surprised to hear that your ants have arrived in something so small. When you say “regular dice” I am picturing the small dice you get in children’s board games. Is it really that small?

      Usually ant colonies turn up in test tubes, in which case there would be no issue. The O2 intake of an ant is minuscule, even for a starter colony. However, I am concerned about the very small size of the “dice”. In this case I would recommend placing the ants in the ant farm sooner rather than later, even before your son’s birthday. In that way at least he won’t have to worry about doing that himself.

      I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions about your son’s ants. I hope he gets as much enjoyment out of them as I do mine.


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