Guide on Setting up your Ant Farm

I have updated the Setting Up page on this site, with a guide on how to set up your ant farm (using a large “Starter Kit” from

The guide can be read on the page of the site itself or downloaded as a pdf file.  You’ll find the link for the download at the bottom of that page.

The guide explains, with text and pictures, how to set up your ant farm, and how to put your ants into it. It also contains advice on how to provide your ants with food and water.

The Setting Up page can be found by visiting the “Ants as Pets” menu in the menu bar, and selecting “Setting Up” from the sub-menu that should appear as you hover your mouse over it. Mobile/tablet users can click on the MENU button on the top right of the site, and then clicking on the Ants as Pets heading, which will reveal the drop down menu.

If you see any glaring errors in the guide, whether spelling, grammatical, or a mistake in the information provided, please feel free to let me know by commenting on this post, or by email, or even via Twitter should you so wish. My Twitter is Myrm’s Ant Nest. There is also a Twitter icon on the home page of this site that you can click on, and be taken to my Twitter page.

3 thoughts on “Guide on Setting up your Ant Farm”

  1. No problem at all, glad I could help in a small way!

    I went for a slightly different starter set, whilst I would love the one from antsuk, unfortunately it was just a bit out of budget. But I have still used plenty of tips found in your guide. Using insect repellant is working an absolute treat! First time I have seen that recommended.

  2. Fantastic guide! Great idea with the insect repellent, how long does it last for before you need to reapply? And is it obvious when it needs reapplying? Hope this makes sense! Thanks Myrm

    1. Hi JonnyF.

      Thank you vary much for your comment, I am really pleased that you liked the guide.

      In answer to your question, I tend to reapply it once per month, though if I see ants are starting to cross the barrier sooner than that, due to its drying out, I’ll reapply it right away. I only have once had an instance where I allowed to to dry out enough for the ants to cross it, and that was because I had neglected to reapply the barrier for about 3 months.

      You asked a good question, and I think it is one that deserves to be added to the guide, which I’ll do today.

      Thank you for taking the time out to comment, and for visiting my site, I really is appreciated.

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